Hello galaxy team,


First and foremost, I would like to thank you for your assistance with my galaxy installation with apache proxy.

It works very well.


Secondly, I would like your help with creating users, groups, roles and permissions that would allow me to:

1.       differentiate a student from a teacher

2.       differentiate a student in course A or in course B

3.       teachers having read access to students’ work

4.       teachers sharing with students

Right now, I just have created users. There is no group or roles or permissions or datasets.


On another note, how can I disable the account of one specific user or a whole group ?


Cordialement / Regards,


Edgar Fernandez

System Administrator (Linux)

Direction Générale des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication

(  Bur. : 1-514-343-6111 poste 16568


Université de Montréal