Dear team, There are multiple 3rd party sources to import arthropod vector data (e.g. BioMart) from our NIH Bioinformatics Resource Center (BRC) VectorBase into Galaxy, but some are outdated and some of our users would like a direct source. Given this increase of Galaxy in our vector biology community, what is the policy for adding a new server to "Get Data" and is there information on formatting our results appropriately (i.e., using a REST interface)? Our NIH BRC server is www.vectorbase.org. I noticed our sister BRC EuPathDB has made their data available via http://main.g2.bx.psu.edu, and we have similar developer resources to make our server compatible; however, I couldn't find this information online besides addressing this list. Thanks in advance, and best regards, - S --- Scott Emrich, PhD Scientific Manager, VectorBase Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering University of Notre Dame