Lee: I am CC'ing you e-mail to galaxy-dev list. You can get a lot of useful answers by posting to this list. Maintaining Galaxy is not different from maintaining other software resources. To run it locally you will need to have a system administration supervision as with any other high performance system. It is wonderful that you are sending your staff members to Galaxy Community Conference as they will be able to interact with key Galaxy Team members such as Nate Coraor, who runs Penn State instance here. Thanks! anton On Feb 25, 2011, at 6:14 AM, Lee Hazelwood wrote:
Dear Prof Nekrutenko,
The university where I work is looking to locally implement your elegant software to enable us to view and analyse the rapidly growing amount of sequence data. We will be sending two staff members to the conference in Lunteren in May to get right into the detail on how we would achieve this.
However, with all things I need to request some time/ support for running such a system in advance of May. If you could help by briefly answering the questions below I would much appreciate it.
* What is a realistic amount of someones time to implement Galaxy on a Linux server so that it can be used by researchers using the Web? * What is the usual time overhead to keep it running and how skilled would they have to be?
I should say, this will be for local biological researchers only, approx 20-30 dealing in Exome and Whole genome sequences.
Best regards Lee
-- Dr Lee Hazelwood BHRC Bioinformatics Technology Group Leader Biomedical and Health Research Centre Faculty of Biological Sciences Garstang Building, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK. E-mail: L.D.Hazelwood@leeds.ac.uk<mailto:L.D.Hazelwood@leeds.ac.uk>
Anton Nekrutenko http://nekrut.bx.psu.edu http://usegalaxy.org