The current revision setting is treated as a minimum, so any available updates are retrieved automatically at the time of installation. Even so, it may still make sense to allow for a default of the latest installable revision if the definition lacks a revision value. Greg Von Kuster On May 7, 2013, at 8:57 AM, Peter Cock wrote:
On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:49 AM, Björn Grüning <> wrote:
nice work Ira! That problem also bothers me. I have written a similar script in python, but its not documented ;) I really think a more advanced solution like Peter's are needed midterm.
I've not written any code so its just an idea for now, rather than a ready to try solution ;)
To fix the revision problems: What about leaving the revision tag blank means that the toolshed should insert the latest revision of a tool dependency during upload.
For me the vast majority of repo uploads referring to the latest dependencies of other repo's. So I ending up with uploading one repo, running my script to insert the new revision tag, uploading the second, rerun the script and so on ...
Is the current revision setting treated as an exact match, or as a minimum version? There are advantages to both, but if it is an exact match then it would be sensible to have a way to say just give me the latest version of that repository.