On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 1:15 AM, Paszkiewicz, Konrad <K.H.Paszkiewicz@exeter.ac.uk> wrote:
Hi all,
Many thanks for that Peter. It worked a charm.
There does seem to be a bug in there somewhere. If more than one item is selected for retrieval at a time, only a single item is returned. The other items all return a 'This file cannot be found' error.
Given Dan's comments earlier, that doesn't surprise me. Is this on your local Galaxy (I didn't get as far that before Christmas), or on the main Penn State instance?
Finally as an aside, could this system be adapted to retrieve the PTT files from Genbank?
You certainly could use the PTT files to get the gene CDS co-ordinates, but as I recall the scripts just extract this information from the GenBank files (*.gbk) instead.
All the very best,