You might need to specify multiple command lines in a single shell action - separated by ; like: cd foo; perl foo bah; more something; cleanup Otherwise you might just find yourself back in the temp installation directory after each separate action Ross Lazarus Head, Computational Biology, Baker IDI, Melbourne, Australia Pubs: http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=UCUuEM4AAAAJ On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Bruno Grande <bgrande@sfu.ca> wrote:
I originally posted this question <https://biostar.usegalaxy.org/p/9401/> on the Galaxy Biostars, but later realized that galaxy-dev is probably more appropriate. So, here it goes.
I'm trying to automate the installation of a tool's dependency with a tool dependency definition repository. During the package installation process, after moving the contents of a downloaded archive to the installation directory (*i.e.* $INSTALL_DIR), I simply want to change to that target directory away from the initial temporary working directory.
However, I can't seem to change directory, either with a change_directory action or a cd shell_command action. Running pwd before and after attempting to change directory confirms this (see attached for installation log). I even made sure that $INSTALL_DIR is different from my initial working directory.
Best regards, Bruno
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