On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 3:41 PM, John Chilton <chilton@msi.umn.edu> wrote:
So you want this: <action type="setup_virtualenv">docopt==0.6.1 python-levenshtein==0.10.2 biopython==1.62 ngs-tools==0.1.6 </action>
Newline between dependencies, and no whitespace to the left of each package.
Hi John, I can confirm this did the trick. It also solves my worries with reproducibility. Before I didn't know you could specify more than one package in "setup_virtualenv". Björn, I'll be happy to keep testing Biopython package and I will keep an eye on how the community decide to move forward in the future about dealing with dependencies. For now I feel the virtualenv approach seems to be the more easy and less prone to break way for python packages. Thanks, I greatly appreciate your time helping me, Carlos