Matthew Conte wrote:
Good afternoon,
I'm having several problems with my local galaxy install which may or may not be related to one another.
The first problem I'm having is with the "Display data in browser" feature. Some files type formats (fastqsanger, fasta) display fine. However, other file type formats (png, svg, txt) simply do not display at all. I have debugging turned on, but do not see any error within the browser or within the galaxy log or web server log after clicking the "Display data in browser" eyeball icon. It is simply a blank middle panel.
The next problem I'm having has to do with downloading files. Firefox and Safari will download any file from a history, but will just create an empty file on the client. Again, neither log file show an error with a clue to the problem. Chrome will download some files, but other files give me an error and won't download:
*This webpage is not available* * * *error 100 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED): The server unexpectedly closed the connection.*
In this case, I don't see anything in the log files either.
Hi Matt, Are you using the sendfile/x-accel-redirect configurations of Apache/nginx? Are all of these issues the same if you connect directly to Galaxy's built-in webserver instead of through a proxy server?
Finally, I'm also having a problem logging in from the main welcome page. It seems to authenticate fine (I get an error when I put in the wrong password and don't when I put in the correct password), but it doesn't actually log me in and just takes me back to the main welcome page.
For this problem, I do get an error in the galaxy log:
*Exception happened during processing of request from---------------------------------------- * * self.wfile.flush()* * File "/raid/galaxy_user/lib/python2.6/socket.py", line 297, in flush* * self._sock.sendall(buffer(data, write_offset, buffer_size))* *error: [Errno 32] Broken pipe*
I see this occasionally on python 2.6, and it's usually just a harmless intentional interrupted connection. As above, can you test login via the welcome page without the use of the proxy server and report back whether there's any difference? Thanks, --nate
I am able to log in via other routes, such as going to "Options->Saved Histories" which brings up an error "You must be logged in" to work with multiple histories and links to /galaxy/user/login?webapp=galaxy and from there I can log in fine. This happens with both admin and normal users. It is not a huge problem since I have a work around, but it would be nice to figure out the problem so I don't have to make my users do the same.
I should mention that I'm running galaxy-dist changeset 50e249442c5a on CentOS. The problems seem to be web server independent too as they appear with both Apache and Nginx. I've used the following instructions, but I'm just not seeing where the problem(s) is/are:
https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/wiki/Config/ProductionServer https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/wiki/Config/ApacheProxy https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/wiki/Config/nginxProxy https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/wiki/Config/WebApplicationScalin...
Thanks, Matt
-- Matthew Conte Bioinformatics Scientist Department of Biology University of Maryland mconte@umd.edu
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