Dear list, today I got an erroneous result (red) despite the output of the tool to be seems fine. Seemingly there was an error during setting the metadata. ``` Fatal error: An error occured during execution, see stderr and stdout for more information Reading reference gene model /gpfs1/data/galaxy_server/galaxy-dev/database/files/002/dataset_2992.dat ... Done Loading SAM/BAM file ... Finished Total 62188 usable reads were sampled Traceback (most recent call last): File "/gpfs1/data/galaxy_server/galaxy-dev/jobs_dir/001/1858/", line 1, in from galaxy_ext.metadata.set_metadata import set_metadata; set_metadata() File "/gpfs1/data/galaxy_server/galaxy-dev/lib/galaxy_ext/metadata/", line 85, in set_metadata datatypes_registry.load_datatypes(root_dir=galaxy_root, config=datatypes_config) File "/gpfs1/data/galaxy_server/galaxy-dev/lib/galaxy/datatypes/", line 109, in load_datatypes tree = galaxy.util.parse_xml(config) File "/gpfs1/data/galaxy_server/galaxy-dev/lib/galaxy/util/", line 214, in parse_xml root = tree.parse(fname, parser=ElementTree.XMLParser(target=DoctypeSafeCallbackTarget())) File "/global/apps/bioinf/galaxy/bin/Python-2.7.13/lib/python2.7/xml/etree/", line 647, in parse source = open(source, "rb") IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/gpfs1/data/galaxy_server/galaxy-dev/database/tmp/tmp_uHZbW' ``` Are there any suggestions how to continue with such a behavior. The file system on our cluster seems to be slow at the moment, could this be the cause? Best, Matthias -- ------------------------------------------- Matthias Bernt Bioinformatics Service Molekulare Systembiologie (MOLSYB) Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ/ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany Phone +49 341 235 482296,, Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Leipzig Registergericht/Registration Office: Amtsgericht Leipzig Handelsregister Nr./Trade Register Nr.: B 4703 Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/Chairman of the Supervisory Board: MinDirig Wilfried Kraus Wissenschaftlicher Geschäftsführer/Scientific Managing Director: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Georg Teutsch Administrative Geschäftsführerin/ Administrative Managing Director: Prof. Dr. Heike Graßmann -------------------------------------------