On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 3:04 AM, Richard Bruskiewich <r.bruskiewich@irri.org> wrote:
Galaxy Colleagues,
I don't know who is maintaining the Galaxy wiki page ...
While on the topic of this page, perhaps the software versions need to be revisited. Megablast has been superseded already by Blast+. Perhaps new releases of Galaxy should update this?
Hi Richard, Galaxy already has wrappers for the main BLAST+ tools, including blastn which covers megablast. However they are not currently available on the public Galaxy instance, in part due to load concerns. You can enable them locally if you are running your own Galaxy - that is what we are doing. I did also offer to update the old Megablast tool to use blastn from BLAST+ instead of blastall from legacy BLAST, but as I recall the Galaxy team were cautious about this since it could break the reproducibility of existing work flows. Peter