Hi all, I recently started trying out the "Share workflow" functionality on our local Galaxy, so that I could make available some general interest workflows to all our users, rather than sharing them with individuals one by one. However, once published, it was not easy to find them! I eventually found them under the "Shared Data" drop down menu entry "Published Workflows" (yet "Shared" workflows are not on this menu). The captions "Shared" and "Published" seem to be used inconsistently. Maybe the top level "Shared Data" menu should be renamed to "Shared Resources" or "Published Resources"? To me, workflows are not data, and so should not be under "Shared Data". Rather, I expected them to be under the "Workflow" menu. Is the separation because in order to run or edit a "Published Workflows", you must first import it? Perhaps a simple solution would be a note and link at the bottom of the main "Workflow" page directing people to the "Published Workflows" page under the "Shared Data" drop down menu. Peter