Hello, I've finally pulled the latest changes - kudos for the history search feature - I like it a lot. Now, as usual, some usability questions: 1. How do I remove or hide or delete workflows and histories other people shared with me ? Sounds like a silly question, but it's an aspect in *my* galaxy account over which I have absolutely no control. I found no way to remove a shared workflow except asking the person who shared it with me to stop sharing it. If somebody wanted to play a trick on me, he could share hundreds of histories with me and I'll have no control over it - making it hard for me to find the actual shared histories I'm looking for (this is of course an absurd scenario, but I'm trying to make a point). The real-world scenario is that I'm the go-to guy for galaxy in our little lab, and everybody who has a problem in his history or workflow shares it with me and ask me to take a look at it. After I'm done fixing it - I don't want to see it any more. Asking to user to "unshare" the history is technically OK, but I don't think that's the way it should work. If I don't want to see a history/workflow in my galaxy account, I should be able to do it myself, without asking it from other users. 2. consistency in the workflow management screen "Workflows shared by others" appear as a link (underlined) - clicking on the does the default (and expected) action of "run workflow". "Your workflows" (mine, that is) - are not links, although they do get a rounded-box-frame when hovered upon - clicking on them does nothing. One has to pin-point the tiny triangle to run/edit/etc on my workflow. If one clicks on "Workflows"->"All Workflows" from the tools menu, then all workflows appear as clickable-links. So it's only a tiny matter of consistency. Thanks, -gordon.