Hi Joe,
Looking at the log, it looks like the tools and reference genomes volumes/file systems are not being added at cluster start. When you say 'remove old cm from S3 bucket', what exactly are you removing?
Is this a cluster you have used previously and have useful data on the data volume or not? If not, the easiest thing would be to delete the entire bucket and the associated volume and then start a new cluster.
Otherwise, can you take a look at the persistent_data.yaml file in your cluster's S3 bucket and see if it has all the necessary services defined?
For example,
- size: 29
vol_id: vol-909342f8
- service: SGE
- service: Postgres
- service: Galaxy
- filesystem: galaxyIndices
size: 600
snap_id: snap-e1c7d08b
- filesystem: galaxyTools
size: 2
snap_id: snap-db6f09b6
On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Joseph Hargitai
<joseph.hargitai@einstein.yu.edu> wrote:
trying to bring up a new instance.
1, remove old cm from S3 bucket
2, bring up new
3, get console
4, SGE and fs running
5,Database and galaxy are not running
6, on /mnt i see /mnt and galaxyData
East 1c
xy Cloudman
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[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:54:00,368: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.24 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:54:00,445: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:54:16,706: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.24 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:54:16,759: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:54:33,018: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.24 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:54:33,085: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:54:49,421: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.20 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:54:49,853: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:55:06,110: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.20 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:55:06,161: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:55:22,440: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.19 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:55:22,754: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:55:39,011: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.19 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:55:39,063: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:55:55,326: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.19 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:55:55,375: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:56:11,634: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.19 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:56:11,684: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:56:27,948: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.19 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:56:28,002: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:56:44,264: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.20 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:56:44,356: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:57:00,623: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.20 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:57:00,672: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:57:16,920: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.17 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:57:16,971: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:57:33,229: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.17 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:57:33,276: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:57:49,529: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.17 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:57:49,579: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:58:05,844: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.18 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:58:05,938: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:58:22,207: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.18 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:58:22,258: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:58:38,512: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.14 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:58:38,562: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:58:54,832: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.14 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:58:54,896: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:59:11,159: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.14 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:59:11,223: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:59:27,542: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.09 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:59:27,631: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 08:59:43,920: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.09 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 08:59:43,968: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:00:00,232: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.06 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:00:00,285: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:00:16,552: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.06 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:00:16,636: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] master:468 2011-10-14 09:00:17,717: List of services before shutdown: ['SGE', 'FS-galaxyData']
[DEBUG] master:237 2011-10-14 09:00:17,718: Not stopping autoscaling because it is not on.
[INFO] sge:28 2011-10-14 09:00:17,718: Removing SGE service
[DEBUG] misc:511 2011-10-14 09:00:17,945: Successfully stopped SGE master
[INFO] master:498 2011-10-14 09:00:17,946: Cluster shut down at 2011-10-14 09:00:17.946341 (uptime: 6:16:36.067737). If not done automatically, manually terminate the master instance (and any remaining instances associated with this cluster) from the AWS console.
Python version: (2, 6)
[DEBUG] app:42 2011-10-14 09:01:05,719: Initializing app
[DEBUG] ec2:207 2011-10-14 09:01:05,719: Getting boto S3 connection
[DEBUG] ec2:209 2011-10-14 09:01:05,719: No S3 Connection, creating a new one.
[DEBUG] ec2:212 2011-10-14 09:01:05,719: Got boto S3 connection.
[INFO] misc:378 2011-10-14 09:01:05,792: Retrieved file 'persistent_data.yaml' from bucket 'cm-cefdad8733f8efe0be7f3c3f5059d9b8' to 'pd.yaml'.
[INFO] app:52 2011-10-14 09:01:05,794: Master starting
[DEBUG] master:50 2011-10-14 09:01:05,826: Initializing console manager - cluster start time: 2011-10-14 09:01:05.826253
[DEBUG] connection:648 2011-10-14 09:01:05,828: Start from server, version: 8.0, properties: {u'platform': 'Erlang/OTP', u'product': 'RabbitMQ', u'version': '1.7.2', u'copyright': 'Copyright (C) 2007-2010 LShift Ltd., Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC., and
Rabbit Technologies Ltd.', u'information': 'Licensed under the MPL. See
http://www.rabbitmq.com/'}, mechanisms: ['PLAIN', 'AMQPLAIN'], locales: ['en_US']
[DEBUG] connection:494 2011-10-14 09:01:05,865: Open OK! known_hosts [ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.internal:5672]
[DEBUG] channel:70 2011-10-14 09:01:05,865: using channel_id: 1
[DEBUG] channel:484 2011-10-14 09:01:05,866: Channel open
[DEBUG] comm:35 2011-10-14 09:01:05,867: Successfully established AMQP connection
[DEBUG] master:436 2011-10-14 09:01:05,867: Trying to discover any worker instances associated with this cluster...
[DEBUG] ec2:177 2011-10-14 09:01:05,867: Establishing boto EC2 connection
[DEBUG] ec2:85 2011-10-14 09:01:05,868: Gathering instance zone, attempt 0
[DEBUG] ec2:90 2011-10-14 09:01:05,870: Instance zone is 'us-east-1c'
[DEBUG] ec2:198 2011-10-14 09:01:06,078: Got boto EC2 connection for region 'us-east-1'
[DEBUG] ec2:66 2011-10-14 09:01:06,128: Gathering instance id, attempt 0
[DEBUG] ec2:71 2011-10-14 09:01:06,130: Instance ID is 'i-2e4f734e'
[DEBUG] ec2:228 2011-10-14 09:01:06,215: Adding tag 'clusterName:WASP' to resource 'i-2e4f734e'
[DEBUG] ec2:228 2011-10-14 09:01:06,257: Adding tag 'role:master' to resource 'i-2e4f734e'
[DEBUG] master:147 2011-10-14 09:01:06,299: ud at manager start: {'access_key': 'AKIAI4G3E4I2722APZZA', 'data_filesystems': {'galaxyData': [{'vol_id': 'vol-872314ed', 'size': 700}]}, 'cloudman_home': '/mnt/cm', 'cluster_name': 'WASP', 'services': [{'service':
'SGE'}], 'bucket_default': 'cloudman', 'boot_script_name': 'cm_boot.py', 'bucket_cluster': 'cm-cefdad8733f8efe0be7f3c3f5059d9b8', 'boot_script_path': '/tmp/cm', 'role': 'master', 'secret_key': 'ygWVriMaS0osJC6Ix3QZvKue19EdLtL5yUV7EuAY', 'password': 'WASP'}
[DEBUG] master:455 2011-10-14 09:01:06,299: Trying to discover any volumes attached to this instance...
[DEBUG] base:55 2011-10-14 09:01:06,303: Enabling 'root' controller, class: CM
[DEBUG] buildapp:80 2011-10-14 09:01:06,305: Enabling 'httpexceptions' middleware
[DEBUG] buildapp:86 2011-10-14 09:01:06,307: Enabling 'recursive' middleware
[DEBUG] buildapp:106 2011-10-14 09:01:06,320: Enabling 'print debug' middleware
[DEBUG] buildapp:120 2011-10-14 09:01:06,338: Enabling 'error' middleware
[DEBUG] buildapp:130 2011-10-14 09:01:06,338: Enabling 'config' middleware
[DEBUG] buildapp:134 2011-10-14 09:01:06,339: Enabling 'x-forwarded-host' middleware
Starting server in PID 1009.
[DEBUG] master:461 2011-10-14 09:01:06,369: Attached volumes: [Volume:vol-1b251271, Volume:vol-872314ed]
[DEBUG] master:185 2011-10-14 09:01:06,369: Adding a previously existing data filesystem: 'galaxyData'
[DEBUG] master:193 2011-10-14 09:01:06,369: Adding service: 'SGE'
[INFO] master:155 2011-10-14 09:01:06,369: Completed initial cluster configuration.
[DEBUG] master:1488 2011-10-14 09:01:06,369: Monitor started; manager started
serving on view at
[DEBUG] master:1515 2011-10-14 09:01:10,372: Monitor adding service 'SGE'
[DEBUG] __init__:31 2011-10-14 09:01:10,372: Trying to add service 'SGE'
[INFO] __init__:49 2011-10-14 09:01:10,372: Prerequisites OK; starting service 'SGE'
[DEBUG] sge:61 2011-10-14 09:01:10,372: Unpacking SGE from '/opt/galaxy/pkg/ge6.2u5'
[DEBUG] __init__:42 2011-10-14 09:01:10,434: 'sge' daemon is NOT running any more (expected pid: '2530').
[DEBUG] sge:76 2011-10-14 09:01:10,435: Cleaning '/opt/sge' directory.
[DEBUG] sge:82 2011-10-14 09:01:10,934: Unpacking SGE to '/opt/sge'.
[INFO] sge:96 2011-10-14 09:01:12,949: Configuring SGE...
[DEBUG] ec2:136 2011-10-14 09:01:12,949: Gathering instance private hostname, attempt 0
[DEBUG] sge:104 2011-10-14 09:01:12,952: Created SGE install template as file '/opt/sge/galaxyEC2.conf'
[DEBUG] sge:112 2011-10-14 09:01:12,952: Setting up SGE.
[DEBUG] misc:511 2011-10-14 09:01:20,181: Successfully set up SGE
[INFO] sge:114 2011-10-14 09:01:20,181: Successfully setup SGE; configuring SGE
[DEBUG] sge:119 2011-10-14 09:01:20,182: Created SGE all.q template as file '/opt/sge/all.q.conf'
[DEBUG] misc:511 2011-10-14 09:01:20,200: Successfully modified all.q
[DEBUG] misc:511 2011-10-14 09:01:20,211: Modified /opt/sge/util/arch
[DEBUG] misc:511 2011-10-14 09:01:20,217: Successfully chmod /opt/sge/util/arch
[DEBUG] sge:125 2011-10-14 09:01:20,218: Configuring users' SGE profiles
[DEBUG] master:1515 2011-10-14 09:01:20,220: Monitor adding service 'FS-galaxyData'
[DEBUG] filesystem:311 2011-10-14 09:01:20,220: Trying to add service 'FS-galaxyData'
[DEBUG] filesystem:143 2011-10-14 09:01:20,397: Tried to create a volume but it is in state 'attached' (volume ID: vol-872314ed)
[DEBUG] ec2:228 2011-10-14 09:01:20,397: Adding tag 'clusterName:WASP' to resource 'vol-872314ed'
[DEBUG] ec2:228 2011-10-14 09:01:20,435: Adding tag 'filesystem:galaxyData' to resource 'vol-872314ed'
[DEBUG] filesystem:214 2011-10-14 09:01:20,641: Tried to attach a volume but the volume 'vol-872314ed' is already attached (as device /dev/sdg1)
[DEBUG] filesystem:426 2011-10-14 09:01:20,726: Path '/dev/sdg1' checked and exists.
[DEBUG] misc:511 2011-10-14 09:01:20,862: Successfully mounted file system '/mnt/galaxyData' from '/dev/sdg1'
[DEBUG] misc:511 2011-10-14 09:01:20,874: Successfully edited '/mnt/galaxyData' in '/etc/exports' for NFS.
[DEBUG] misc:511 2011-10-14 09:01:21,962: As part of filesystem 'Filesystem-galaxyData' update, successfully restarted NFS server
[DEBUG] ec2:207 2011-10-14 09:01:22,014: Getting boto S3 connection
[INFO] misc:394 2011-10-14 09:01:22,109: Saved file 'persistent_data.yaml' to bucket 'cm-cefdad8733f8efe0be7f3c3f5059d9b8'
[DEBUG] master:1462 2011-10-14 09:01:22,139: Instance post start script (/mnt/cm/post_start_script) does not exist?
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:01:26,429: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.08 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:01:26,485: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:01:42,730: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.08 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:01:42,785: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:01:59,035: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.08 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:01:59,089: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:02:15,330: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.24 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:02:15,407: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:02:31,656: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.24 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:02:31,706: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:02:47,950: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.36 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:02:48,002: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:03:04,261: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.36 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:03:04,312: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:03:20,568: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.36 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:03:20,614: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:03:36,870: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.44 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:03:36,914: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:03:53,167: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.44 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:03:53,252: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:04:09,499: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.59 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:04:09,550: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:04:25,800: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.59 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:04:25,847: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:04:42,094: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.68 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:04:42,150: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:04:58,405: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.68 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:04:58,482: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:05:14,736: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.68 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:05:14,784: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:05:31,037: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.76 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:05:31,087: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:05:47,336: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.76 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:05:47,383: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:06:03,697: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.87 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:06:03,748: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:06:19,994: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.87 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:06:20,045: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:06:36,297: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 0.87 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:06:36,369: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:06:52,621: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.00 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:06:52,677: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:07:08,931: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.00 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:07:08,982: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:07:25,231: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.00 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:07:25,286: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:07:41,534: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.00 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:07:41,617: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:07:57,865: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.00 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:07:57,911: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:08:14,164: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.01 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:08:14,211: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:08:30,453: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.01 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:08:30,499: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:08:46,746: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.06 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:08:46,796: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:09:03,051: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.06 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:09:03,107: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:09:19,360: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.06 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:09:19,442: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:09:35,698: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.00 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:09:35,751: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:09:52,063: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.00 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:09:52,106: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:10:08,360: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.05 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:10:08,419: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:10:24,674: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.05 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:10:24,754: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:10:40,999: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.05 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:10:41,046: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:10:57,295: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.05 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:10:57,344: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:11:13,595: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.05 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:11:13,646: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:11:29,895: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.03 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:11:29,947: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
[DEBUG] sge:311 2011-10-14 09:11:46,190: qstat: ['all.q@ip-10-191-205-72.ec2.int BIP 0/0/4 1.03 lx24-amd64 ']
[DEBUG] master:1510 2011-10-14 09:11:46,234: S&S: SGE..OK; FS-galaxyData..OK;
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