Hi Everyone, I'm having trouble getting some of the tools to work on my local installation of Galaxy on a Mac (OS X version 10.6.7). The instructions on the GetGalaxy wiki are clear, and I was able to download and install from the anonymous Mercurial repository. Galaxy starts up and runs just fine for tools like "Get Data", "FASTQ Groomer", and "FASTQ Summary Statistics". The problems started when I try to run Graph/Data Display -> Boxplot (GnuPlot). I get the error: "An error occurred running this job:/bin/sh: gnuplot: command not found Error running gnuplot." The FASTX Barcode Splitter also gives me an error: "An error occurred running this job:/Users/Me/galaxy-dist/tools/fastx_toolkit/fastx_barcode_splitter_galaxy_wrapper.sh: line 65: fastx_barcode_splitter.pl: command not found zcat: /Users/Me/galaxy-dist/database/files/000/dataset_10.dat.Z: No such file or directory sed: illegal opt" I'm assuming these are Tool Dependency problems, although I have tried to install the OS X versions of GnuPlot and the FASTX Toolkit and still get errors. Are there any suggestions from users who are successfully running Galaxy on OS X? Thanks in advance, Jeff