Hi, I was trying to run workflows from the command line using workflow_execute.py in /scripts/api. According to the documentation, the commandline should look like: python workflow_execute.py <api_key> <galaxy_url>/api/workflows f2db41e1fa331b3e 'hist_id=a912e9e5d84530d4' '38=hda=03501d7626bd192f I understand that 'hda' refers to the src of the input data, in this case being the history. However, it is not clear to me what 38 is actually referring to. Is it the step number ? Is it the id shown in the JSON response code of <galaxy_url/api/workflows/<workflow id> ? E.g "535" in: {"url": "/galaxy/api/workflows/f7bb1edd6b95db62", "inputs": {}, "steps": {"535": {"tool_id": "iep", "input_steps": {}, "type": "tool", "id": 535}}, "id": "f7bb1edd6b95db62", "name": "test_workflow"} What is "inputs" and why is its value empty {} ? If a tool step has multiple input parameters, how can you refer to the correct parameter using the 'step=src=id' syntax ? Thanks, Marc ________________________________________ THIS E-MAIL MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE. If the reader of this E-mail message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately at ablynx@ablynx.com. Thank you for your co-operation. "NANOBODY" and "NANOCLONE" are registered trademarks of Ablynx N.V. ________________________________________