./proftpd --version
ProFTPD Version 1.3.4d
( so proftpd is compiled and running)
I am attempting to connect from an iMAC (OSX 10.9) to a LINUX machine where the proftp server is running
ftp 123.45.678.123
Connected to 123.45.678.123.
220 ProFTPD 1.3.4d Server (Public Galaxy FTP by ProFTPD server installation) []
Name (123.45.678.123:hazards): hazards
331 Password required for hazards
I enter a password and I get “Abort trap 6” or “421 service not available, remote server closed connection” ( this latter reply from an older mac)
I presume that this means that the authentication failed.
Here are the last lines of my proftpd.conf file
# Do not authenticate against real (system) users
AuthPAM off
# Set up mod_sql_password - Galaxy passwords are stored as hex-encoded SHA1
SQLPasswordEngine on
SQLPasswordEncoding hex
# Set up mod_sql to authenticate against the Galaxy database
SQLEngine on
SQLBackend postgres
SQLConnectInfo galaxydb@xxx.musc.edu dbuser dbpassword
SQLAuthTypes SHA1
SQLAuthenticate users
# An empty directory in case chroot fails
SQLDefaultHomedir /shared/app/ProFFTPd-1.3.4d/default
# Define a custom query for lookup that returns a passwd-like entry. UID and GID should match your Galaxy user.
SQLUserInfo custom:/LookupGalaxyUser
SQLNamedQuery LookupGalaxyUser SELECT "email,password,'581','582','/shared/app/Galaxy/galaxy_dist/database/files/%U','/bin/bash' FROM galaxy_user WHERE email='%U’"
I have a user named galaxy on the system and a Galaxy-user named galaxy defined within Galaxy and an owner of the postgresql database.
With respect to the following line, If my Galaxy postgresql database is called “galaxydb”, are the dbuser and dbpassword to be the postgresql owner of the database? Or the system user named galaxy who has actually started the instance of galaxy with run.sh command.
SQLConnectInfo galaxydb@xxx.musc.edu galaxy Galaxy2013
With respect to this line
SQLNamedQuery LookupGalaxyUser SELECT "email,password,'581','582’,……
What are the appropriate UID and GID to apply here? I have a system user “galaxy” who starts Galaxy with “run.sh”. This user’s UID and GID are 581 and 582 respectively but I am not able to login for FTP transfer
If I use Chrome and paste " ftp://123.45.678.123”
I get “unable to load webpage because server sent no data “error code ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE"
If I paste
"ftp://123.45.678.123/ /path/to/file"
And press execute in my local Galaxy GUI I get a "tool error” with no Std_Out and no Std_error
So I cannot use FTP via ProFTPD 1.3.4d Server to upload files. How can I test postgresql authentication via Galaxy/proftpd to get at the problem?