Hello Eric, Your right about that, downloading the archive, installing all the eggs, and then updating the database takes a bit of time (especially if you're like me and like re-running tests on nearly every change you make :P). I think it would be cool to have a pre-package Galaxy for integration testing which is quick to setup. I once thought of downloading Björn's Docker image from Galaxy Bootstrap and using it that way, but thinking is about as far as I got with that one. One problem I could see is it would have to be re-built on every release of Galaxy you want to test against (whereas mercurial cloning/pulling makes sure you're always up to date with the latest code). Aaron On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 2:45 PM, Eric Rasche <rasche.eric@yandex.ru> wrote:
Hi Aaron,
Good points, I was considering using galaxy bootstrap. This is mostly for the CI folk who want to download an archive, unpack it, and be ready to install/test their tools. The hg clone and egg/db steps seem like unnecessary overhead for this specific use case.