Dear list, I started a little toy project (.. aka procrastination) that I would like to share here. It produces a graph connecting tool ids and input/output formats. As input it takes an arbitrary number of tool xml files https://github.com/bernt-matthias/mb-galaxy-tools/tree/master/tool-io-graph I could imagine some use cases: - could be nice for auto-generation of the documentation of a single tool (planemo?) - for tool suites one could easily check if the all tools are connected (I would expect this) - one could explore how tools could be plugged together, find out which tools generate a needed format currently it outputs dot formatted graphs. I can easily see some extensions - filter for subsets of tools / formats - get the surrounding of a tool (e.g. all nodes in distance 2, 4, ...) - filter paths from an available input to a desired output format Cheers, Matthias -- ------------------------------------------- Matthias Bernt Bioinformatics Service Molekulare Systembiologie (MOLSYB) Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ/ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany Phone +49 341 235 482296, m.bernt@ufz.de, www.ufz.de Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Leipzig Registergericht/Registration Office: Amtsgericht Leipzig Handelsregister Nr./Trade Register Nr.: B 4703 Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/Chairman of the Supervisory Board: MinDirig Wilfried Kraus Wissenschaftlicher Geschäftsführer/Scientific Managing Director: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Georg Teutsch Administrative Geschäftsführerin/ Administrative Managing Director: Prof. Dr. Heike Graßmann -------------------------------------------