On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 3:13 PM, Yves Gagnon <yves.gagnon@basf.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,
When I try to run galaxy using python 2.7 I get this error message while fetching eggs. Under python 2.6 I do not have that issue:
DistributionNotFound: six==1.9.0
The galaxy release I use is still 15.07.
Is there any fix for that other than building the egg myself, or maybe newer release do not have that issue?
Thanks in advance!
Yves Gagnon
Good news & bad news regarding the latest Galaxy releases. Galaxy v16.01 will not have any egg problems because all the Python dependencies are now done using the wheel format, plus a Galaxy modified version of pip to handle tracking Linux binary compatibility. Also Galaxy v16.01 will likely be the final release to support Python 2.6, so its good you're already looking at Python 2.7 :) https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/issues/1596 Peter