On Oct 17, 2012, at 3:53 PM, Carlos Borroto <carlos.borroto@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Liisa Koski <liisa.koski@basf.com> wrote:
Hello, I've installed a tool to my local Galaxy installation via my local ToolShed. I would like to run this tool locally, and not have it submitted to the grid.
I have tried two ids in the universe_wsgi.ini [galaxy:tool_runners] section.
The tool id directly from the tool.xml file and the id from the shed_tool_conf.xml (same id found in the integrated_tool_panel.xml)
tool = local:/// galaxy.server:9009/repos/user/tool/1.0 = local:///
My job still gets submitted to the grid.
I would also like to specify a tool_runner for a tool installed from the shed_tool. As Liisa, I can not find the correct tool id to use.
Any help? Thanks, Carlos
My local one is set up like this and it works (for augustus): toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/bjoern-gruening/augustus/augustus/0.1 = pbs:///default/-l ncpus=1,mem=8gb,walltime=24:00:00/ The above is the path in within the shed repo. chris