Hi there, Would anyone happen to know why Ansible tries to connect to a remote host (CentOS 7) using 'root' during Galaxy role installation? My playbook has been configured to connect to the remote host using a different user account via SSH, however, the role installation is not honoring this for some reason and continues to use root. The remote host has had SSH root login disabled for security reasons and setting various galaxy user/privsep/become/remote user variables in the group_vars has not had any effect. TASK [galaxyproject.galaxy : Create galaxy_root] * fatal: [server_name]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Invalid/incorrect password: Permission denied, please try again.\r\nPermission denied, please try again.\r\nroot@server_name: Permission denied (publickey,password).", "unreachable": true} Thanks, Sandra Disclaimer This e-mail and any attachments to it (the "Communication") are, unless otherwise stated, confidential, may contain copyright material and is for the use only of the intended recipient. If you receive the Communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete the Communication and the return e-mail, and do not read, copy, retransmit or otherwise deal with it. Any views expressed in the Communication are those of the individual sender only, unless expressly stated to be those of Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) ABN 21 006 566 972 or any of its related entities. MCRI does not accept liability in connection with the integrity of or errors in the Communication, computer virus, data corruption, interference or delay arising from or in respect of the Communication.