On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Calogero Zarbo <zarbo@fbk.eu> wrote:
Hello Peter,
Thanks for your answer.
I tried your come but I am still not able to make it work the way I want. I mean that in the workflow design page, when I switch the parameter, it doesn't change the graphical list of outputs of the tool. How can I fix it? I want something like the Input, where it shows different outputs according to the selected parameter from the select.
Here is the XML code:
<inputs> <param name="input_dataset" label="Input dataset (ShoweLab or FBK Format) to split" type="data" format="showelab-dataset,fbk-svm-dataset"/>
<conditional name="format_condition">
<param name="format_options" label="Choose the type of dataset you want to split" type="select"> <option value="fbk">FBK Format</option> <option value="showelab" selected="True">ShoweLab Format</option> </param> <when value="fbk"> <param name="input_fbk_dataset_labels" label="Input dataset labels (FBK Format) to split" type="data" format="fbk-labels"/> </when> <when value="showelab" /> </conditional> <param name="split_perc" label="Percentage of Training Set among complete dataset" type="float" min="0.05" max="0.95" value="0.75"/>
</inputs> <outputs> <data format="showelab-dataset" name="trainingDataset" label="Training Dataset extracted from ${input_dataset.name}"> <filter>format_condition["format_options"] == "showelab"</filter>
</data> <data format="showelab-dataset" name="validationDataset" label="Validation Dataset extracted from ${input_dataset.name}"> <filter>format_condition["format_options"] == "showelab"</filter>
</data> <data format="fbk-svm-dataset" name="trainingDataset" label="Training Dataset extracted from ${input_dataset.name}"> <filter>format_condition["format_options"] == "fbk"</filter>
</data> <data format="fbk-labels" name="trainingLabels" label="Training Dataset Labels extracted from ${input_fbk_dataset_labels.name}"> <filter>format_condition["format_options"] == "fbk"</filter>
</data> <data format="fbk-svm-dataset" name="validationDataset" label="Validation Dataset extracted from ${input_dataset.name}"> <filter>format_condition["format_options"] == "fbk"</filter>
</data> <data format="fbk-labels" name="validationLabels" label="Validation Dataset Labels extracted from ${input_fbk_dataset_labels.name}"> <filter>format_condition["format_options"] == "fbk"</filter> </data> </outputs>
You appear to have multiple defined datasets (three versions of trainingDataset) which may be the problem, as the name is meant to be unique. I think you should have ONE <data> tag for trainingDataset but set this up to switch output formats accordingly. Peter