Ok, Now I can answer myself
On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Andreu Alibés <aalibes@gmail.com> wrote:I'd be interested to know if you can solve this within Galaxy
> Hi,
> I'm trying to add to Galaxy a tool that, basically, it runs this way
> mytool inputfile -outputname=result -outputformat=zzz
> This would output a file called result.zzz
> How do I catch the result.zzz file? Because
> <outputs>
> <data format="zzz" name="output" />
> </outputs>
> will look for a file called output, but not a file called output.zzz
> Thanks,
> Andreu
as I can think of situations where it would be handy.
If not, you could write your own wrapper script which renames
the output file to something consistent.