Hi there (again again),
The last problem we are facing is that sometime when clicking on a tool name in the tool panel, the form don’t get displayed in the middle panel. We’ve checked the log of galaxy and it seems that the HTML
request arrives but nothing happens.
We have noticed that this seems to occur more ofter when the history is empty and we can correct the phenomenon if we use a non empty url such as :
http://use.galaxeast.fr/root?job_id=c72a8935c65f68c1 or if we load an history and click on the [i] (view details) of a dataset.
Versions of Galaxy : release_16.04 (production instance), release_16.07 (test instance).
Any idea about what the problem can be ?
Many thanks in advance for any help,
Best regards,
Stephanie Le Gras
Computational scientist - Bioinformatician
GenomEast platform (former Microarray and Sequencing platform)
1, rue Laurent Fries
67404 ILLKIRCH Cedex
Tel. : +33 (0)3 88 65 32 73