Hi I have set galaxy to use mysql on localhost but I could not workout the syntax for the database_connection line to specify a username and password. Is this possible? I'm using Ubuntu so as per the install guide I have this database_connection = mysql:///galaxy?unix_socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock I wanted to try mysql to see if it was faster for uploads of very large NGS files. At the moment even uploading a file from the localhost is very very slow. Is this normal or are there some ways to speed it up? My fastq files are all > 10GB. Maybe using Galaxy isn't the right way to go and I should use the tools locally but as NGS handling is in there I am guessing large files were in mind? Thanks Nathaniel -- Nathaniel Street Umeå Plant Science Centre Department of Plant Physiology University of Umeå SE-901 87 Umeå SWEDEN email: nathaniel.street@plantphys.umu.se tel: +46-90-786 5473 fax: +46-90-786 6676 www.popgenie.org