And, yes, all of the gtf files have the correct database build associated with them.On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 6:29 PM, Nikhil Joshi <> wrote:Hi all,We run our own custom galaxy instance in the Amazon Cloud and I am updating our instance with the latest toolshed files. For cuffmerge, in past revisions, we would just have a button to add another GTF input. However, this latest one (10:b6e3849293b1) that has been replaced with a multi-select. We also have a few built-in genomes that we use with cuffmerge. When I choose the first GTF file (using locally cached sequence data) it will populate the reference genome correctly with our built-in genomes. However, once I choose more than one GTF file, I get one of two errors:
No reference genome is available for the build associated with the selected input dataset
ORAn invalid option was selected, please verify
The built-in genomes are definitely there and available for cuffmerge, but for some reason choosing more than one GTF file in the multi-select causes an error. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?- Nik.
--Nikhil Joshi
Bioinformatics Analyst/Programmer
UC Davis Bioinformatics Core
najoshi -at- ucdavis -dot- edu
530.752.2698 (w)
--Nikhil Joshi
Bioinformatics Analyst/Programmer
UC Davis Bioinformatics Core
najoshi -at- ucdavis -dot- edu
530.752.2698 (w)