Sergei Ryazansky wrote:
Thanks for reply!
set_dataset_sizes.py works fine for me. By the way, what is difference between file_size and total_size fields? It seems that their values are equal.
Datasets with external metadata and composite datasets may contain extra files, and total_size will be greater if this is the case.
Although 'allow_user_dataset_purge' setting seems to be very usefull, but it is absent in my universe_wsgi.ini file (galaxy_dist).
Have a look in the universe_wsgi.ini.sample file for it. --nate
06.07.2011 22:28, Nate Coraor пишет:
Also, datasets created prior to the addition of the total_size column in changeset 5700:70e2b1c95a69 will have this unset - it can be set by running the script:
% python ./scripts/set_dataset_sizes.py
Also, Sergei, it's possible to allow users to force datsaets to be removed from disk after they "delete" them. See the 'allow_user_dataset_purge' option in universe_wsgi.ini. If set to True, users can select "Show Deleted Datasets" from the History's "Options" menu and then choose datasets to purge. Entire histories can be purged from the history list.