Glad to see someone else is playing around with Mesos. I have a mesos branch that is getting a little long in the tooth. I'd like to get a straight job runner (non-LWR, with a shared file system) running under mesos for Galaxy before I submit that work for a pull request. The hackathon is only 12 days away! Hopefully we'll be able to make some progress on these sorts of projects. Kyle On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 4:06 PM, John Chilton <jmchilton@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey Kyle, all,
If anyone wants to play with running Galaxy jobs within an Apache Mesos environment I have added a prototype of this feature to the LWR.
This work distributes jobs across a Mesos cluster and injects a MESOS_URL environment variable into the job runtime environment in case the jobs themselves want to take advantage of Mesos.
The advantage of the LWR versus a traditional Galaxy runner is that the job can be staged to remote resources without shared disk. Prior to this I was imaging the LWR to be useful in cases where Galaxy and remote cluster don't share common disk but where there is in fact a shared scratch directory or something across the remote cluster as well a resource manager. The LWR Mesos framework however has the actual compute servers themselves stage the job up and down - so you could imagine distributing Galaxy across large clusters without any shared disk whatsoever - that could be very cool and help scale say cloud applications.
Downsides of an LWR-based approach versus a Galaxy approach is that it is less mature and there is more stuff to configure - need to configure a Galaxy job_conf plugin and destination, need to configure the LWR itself, need to configure a message queue (for this variant of LWR operation anyway - it should be possible to drive this via the LWR in web server mode but I haven't added it yet). I would be more than happy to continue to see progress toward Mesos support in Galaxy proper.
It is strictly a prototype so far - a sort of playground if anyone wants to play with these ideas and build something cool. It really is a "framework" right - not so much a job scheduler so I am not sure it is very immediately useful - but I imagine one could build cool stuff on top of it.
Next, I think I would like to add Apache Aurora (http://aurora.incubator.apache.org/) support - because it seems like a much more traditional resource manager but built on top of Mesos so it would be more practical for traditional Galaxy-style jobs. Doesn't buy you anything in terms of parallelization but it would "fit better" with Galaxy.
I think one of the aspects where Galaxy is a bit soft is the ability to do distributed tasks. The current system of split/replicate/merge tasks
on file type is a bit limited and hard for tool developers to expand upon. Distributed computing is a non-trival thing to implement and I think it would be a better use of our time to use an already existing framework. And it would also mean one less API for tool writers to have to develop for. I was wondering if anybody has looked at Mesos ( http://mesos.apache.org/ ). You can see an overview of the Mesos architecture at https://github.com/apache/mesos/blob/master/docs/Mesos-Architecture.md The important thing about Mesos is that it provides an API for C/C++, Java/Scala and Python to write distributed frameworks. There are already implementations of frameworks for common parallel programming systems such as: - Hadoop (https://github.com/mesos/hadoop) - MPI ( https://github.com/apache/mesos/blob/master/docs/Running-torque-or-mpi-on-me... ) - Spark (http://spark-project.org) And you can find example Python framework at https://github.com/apache/mesos/tree/master/src/examples/python
Integration with Galaxy would have three parts: 1) Add a system config variable to Galaxy called 'MESOS_URL' that is then passed to tool wrappers and allows them to contact the local mesos infrastructure (assuming the system has been configured) or pass a null if the system isn't available. 2) Write a tool runner that works as a mesos framework to executes single cpu jobs on the distributed system. 3) For instances where mesos is not available at a system wide level (say they only have access to an SGE based cluster), but the user wants to run distributed jobs, write a wrapper that can create a mesos cluster using
On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Kyle Ellrott <kellrott@soe.ucsc.edu> wrote: based the
existing queueing system. For example, right now I run a Mesos system under the SGE queue system.
I'm curious to see what other people think.
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