I have recently updated our galaxy install running on a cluster with the latest changesets. A new python egg was added: pysam-0.1.1-py2.4-linux-x86_64.egg.
This egg requires glib to be upgraded to GLIBC_2.7, and galaxy will not start without it. Due to constraints on our cluster we are not allowed to update glib above version 2.5.
I have rolled back the update to try to get Galaxy running but now I need to remove this python egg. Simply deleting does not work as the run.sh script runs check_eggs.py and re-installs the egg.
Is there a file that stores the required eggs or a way to stop galaxy searching for this egg?
Hi Shaun, If the egg is listed in eggs.ini, it will be searched for. You can remove it from there and will only encounter source control conflicts if we update the pysam version again. In the meantime, I'll have to find us a machine with an older glibc for us to compile eggs on. Thanks for reporting this, --nate
Help would be appreciated.
Thanks Shaun Webb