Hello The Galaxy reports interface (run_reports.sh) looks immensely useful for getting a handle on the usage of our local Galaxy, and I was wondering if anyone could offer advice on how they run the reports in a production environment. In terms of setting up and running the reports server, there doesn't appear to be much documentation however the instructions in the June 8th 2010 news brief covers the basics adequately: http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/DevNewsBriefs/2010%2006_08?highlight=%28report... This looks okay for running in an ad-hoc fashion (i.e. start it up, look at the reports in a browser running on localhost, shut it down again as required) but does anyone run it in a more persistent set-up? Or is ad-hoc the way to go? Any suggestions welcome, many thanks Best wishes, Peter -- Peter Briggs peter.briggs@manchester.ac.uk Bioinformatics Core Facility University of Manchester B.1083 Michael Smith Bldg Tel: (0161) 2751482