Hello all, It is a very busy time in the Galaxy. 2021 is young, but we have already had two large training events, including the largest Galaxy event ever - the GTN Smörgåsbord (with an amazing 1100+ people registered). We are ramping up for GCC2021, which will be online, global, and affordable, and will be more accessible (and likely much larger) than an in-person Galaxy Community Conference. Galaxy is also shifting with the times, and to reflect how our community has grown. This newsletter includes a new *Featured News <https://galaxyproject.org/news/2021-03-galaxy-update/#featured-news>* section highlighting 1) the *recent explosion of videos* related to Galaxy, 2) a draft *global governance model for Galaxy*, and 3) the new *Galaxy Career Center.* That's followed by another new section highlighting *community news <https://galaxyproject.org/news/2021-03-galaxy-update/#community-news>.* Arguably, *everything* here is community news, but items listed here particularly emphasize the community aspects of Galaxy. The newsletter still includes sections on - *upcoming events <https://galaxyproject.org/news/2021-03-galaxy-update/#event-news>*, - news about *public Galaxy platforms <https://galaxyproject.org/news/2021-03-galaxy-update/#galaxy-platforms-news>* , - recent *blog posts <https://galaxyproject.org/news/2021-03-galaxy-update/#galactic-blog-activity>* , - *training and doc updates <https://galaxyproject.org/news/2021-03-galaxy-update/#doc-hub-and-training-updates>* , - recent *open-access Galaxy-related publications <https://galaxyproject.org/news/2021-03-galaxy-update/#publications>*, and - *new releases <https://galaxyproject.org/news/2021-03-galaxy-update/#releases>.* It's a lot to take in, but it all highlights the breadth and depth of the Galaxy Community. Enjoy, Dave Clements and Beatriz Serrano-Solano, Editors [image: 2021-03-16_14-51-56-wordcloud.png] -- https://galaxyproject.org/