Hi folks, It was the universe_wsgi.ini 'prefix' parameter I was needing, though yes, http/https was an issue too. Good to know that the trans.app.config.galaxy_infrastructure_url is in the works. It turns out for now - thanks Eric Raschle - that the trans.request.application_url is the magic pill, it has the complete url. self.api_url = trans.request.application_url Cheers, Damion Hsiao lab, BC Public Health Microbiology & Reference Laboratory, BC Centre for Disease Control 655 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5Z 4R4 Canada ________________________________________ From: John Chilton [jmchilton@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 6:42 PM To: Dooley, Damion Cc: galaxy-dev@lists.bx.psu.edu Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] Determining galaxy api path automatically from a tool via dynamic_options? Well host is probably not enough - it doesn't seem like a good idea to assume http right? There is the prefix and (trans.request.scheme) that could be missing. Is trans.request.base what you want? Maybe trans.request.path_url? It should be possible to recover that from trans I guess - though I don't know exactly what parts of the request you need to use. So this isn't in stable yet - but there is going to be a sanctioned way for Galaxy deployers to describe what the URL to their Galaxy instance should be for internal consumption (stuff like docker containers and Pulsar) https://bitbucket.org/natefoo/galaxy-central/commits/4348618b4b8dd5f0c6d6cca.... It will be settable in config/galaxy.ini and accessible via trans.app.config.galaxy_infrastructure_url. There is a related attribute trans.app.config.galaxy_infrastructure_url_set which if True specifies that the deployer actually filled in a value and this is not Galaxy's best guess at what URL should be used to access it. If it is false - probably best to fallback to something like trans and the request if you have it. Hope this helps some. -John