Hello gents,
I would greatly appreciate some help configuring my new installation of
galaxy 18.05.
I found most of the configuration I needed but I’m missing the following configuration in
Here is my galaxy 17.05:
[galaxy@esilbac3a ~]$ diff galaxy-17.05/config/galaxy.ini galaxy-17.05/config/galaxy.ini.sample 32c32 < port = 7112 --- > #port = 8080 37c37 < host = --- > #host = 50,59d49 < # ---- HTTP PBS DRMAA HANDLER ----------------------------------------------- < < # Configuration of the pbs drmaa handler < < [server:handler0] < use = egg:Paste#http < port = 8088 < use_threadpool = True < threadpool_workers = 10 < 74c64 < prefix = /galaxy-prod --- > prefix = /galaxy 95c85 < filter-with = proxy-prefix --- > #filter-with = proxy-prefix 109c99 < database_connection = mysql://galaxy:qaz1wsx2@localhost/galaxy_db_prod2?unix_socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --- > #database_connection = sqlite:///./database/universe.sqlite?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE 119c109 < database_engine_option_pool_recycle = 7200 --- > #database_engine_option_pool_recycle = -1 152c142 < file_path = /home/galaxy/galaxy-prod/database/files --- > #file_path = database/files 155c145 < new_file_path = /home/galaxy/galaxy-prod/database/tmp --- > #new_file_path = database/tmp 161c151 < tool_config_file = /home/galaxy/galaxy-prod/config/tool_conf.xml,/home/galaxy/galaxy-prod/config/shed_tool_conf.xml --- > #tool_config_file = config/tool_conf.xml,config/shed_tool_conf.xml 197c187 < tool_dependency_dir = /home/galaxy/galaxy-prod/tool-data/toolshed.dependency.dir --- > #tool_dependency_dir = database/dependencies 401c391 < job_working_directory = /home/galaxy/galaxy-prod/database/jobs_directory --- > #job_working_directory = database/jobs_directory 466c456 < smtp_server = smtp.umontreal.ca:25 --- > #smtp_server = None 475c465 < smtp_ssl = False --- > #smtp_ssl = False 486c476 < error_email_to = edgar.fernandez@umontreal.ca --- > #error_email_to = None 493c483 < email_from = Galaxy ESI Project <rootbac@esi.umontreal.ca> --- > #email_from = None 679c669 < apache_xsendfile = True --- > #apache_xsendfile = False 693c683 < upstream_gzip = False --- > #upstream_gzip = False 848c838 < debug = False --- > #debug = False 861c851 < use_interactive = False --- > use_interactive = True 989c979 < id_secret = 3s1G@l@xyPr0j3ct --- > #id_secret = USING THE DEFAULT IS NOT SECURE! 1038c1028 < admin_users = rootbac@esi.umontreal.ca --- > #admin_users = None 1041c1031 < require_login = True --- > #require_login = False 1049c1039 < allow_user_creation = False --- > #allow_user_creation = True 1052c1042 < allow_user_deletion = True --- > #allow_user_deletion = False 1055c1045 < allow_user_impersonation = True --- > #allow_user_impersonation = False 1060c1050 < allow_user_dataset_purge = True --- > #allow_user_dataset_purge = True 1066c1056 < new_user_dataset_access_role_default_private = True --- > #new_user_dataset_access_role_default_private = False 1200c1190 < enable_quotas = True --- > #enable_quotas = False 1234c1224 < job_config_file = /home/galaxy/galaxy-prod/config/job_conf.xml --- > #job_config_file = config/job_conf.xml 1292c1282 < retry_job_output_collection = 20 --- > #retry_job_output_collection = 0 1310c1300 < cleanup_job = onsuccess --- > #cleanup_job = always |
Please help me find what I am missing.
Best regards,
Edgar Fernandez
Administrateur Système (Linux)
Technologies de l'Information
Université de Montréal
( Bur. :
1-514-343-6111 poste 16568