On May 26, 2010, at 9:03 PM, Nate Coraor wrote:

Davide Cittaro wrote:

Just another question: how do you enable viewing of BAM files from your galaxy to the cse.edu <http://cse.edu> ucsc site (given that the "display_as" rule in apache is not enough)?

Our Galaxy site isn't behind authorization, so no extra rules are necessary.

A (insecure?) workarond in apache configuration:

        <LocationMatch /display_application >
                Satisfy any
                Order deny,allow
                Allow from XXXXXXX
                RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER "ucsc_browser_display@example.org"

in XXX I have the definition for all the campus network. 


Davide Cittaro

Cogentech - Consortium for Genomic Technologies
via adamello, 16
20139 Milano

tel.: +39(02)574303007
e-mail: davide.cittaro@ifom-ieo-campus.it