I'm trying to setup a virtualenv with JPype via tool_dependencies.xml. I've verified that JPype is available from PyPI via pip, however, when Galaxy tries to install the dependency, it's not finding a distribution. JPype https://pypi.python.org/pypi/JPype Here is the <package> snippet from my tool_dependies.xml file: <package name="jpype" version=""> <install version="1.0"> <actions> <action type="setup_virtualenv">JPype==</action> </actions> </install> <readme> In order to install JPype, you must agree to the Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/) </readme> </package> Here is the error that I get when trying to install the dependency: New python executable in /home/mepcotterell/galaxy-tool-shed/tool-deps/jpype/ Installing setuptools............done. Installing pip...............done. Downloading/unpacking JPype== (from -r /home/mepcotterell/galaxy-tool-shed/tool-deps/jpype/ (line 1)) Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement JPype== (from -r /home/mepcotterell/galaxy-tool-shed/tool-deps/jpype/ (line 1)) No distributions at all found for JPype== (from -r /home/mepcotterell/galaxy-tool-shed/tool-deps/jpype/ (line 1)) Storing complete log in /home/mepcotterell/.pip/pip.log Sincerely, Michael E. Cotterell Ph.D. Student in Computer Science, University of Georgia Instructor of Record, Graduate RA & TA, University of Georgia Faculty Liaison, CS Graduate Student Association, University of Georgia mepcotterell@gmail.com (mailto:mepcotterell@gmail.com) mepcott@uga.edu (mailto:mepcott@uga.edu) mec@cs.uga.edu (mailto:mec@cs.uga.edu) http://michaelcotterell.com/