Hi, I have a script that outputs around 20 files with fixed names. Ideally I would like to have as output a page with links to these 20 files. From the wiki I understand that Composite Datatypes should be the way to go, somehow putting all the output files in a folder. I've tried to use the AutoPrimaryComposite example but I don't manage to make it work. - How do I register the new data type? - How do I tell the data type to look for the output files in the newly created folder? Thanks, Andreu -- -------------------------------------------- *Andreu Alibés, PhD **Bioinformatics Core & EMBL-CRG Systems Biology Unit Center for Genomic Regulation* C/ Dr. Aiguader 88, 08003 Barcelona, Spain Phone: +34 93 316 0202 http://sites.google.com/site/aalibes