I need to be able to set some metadata in some custom data types. For now, I’m just trying to set the value of the ‘misc_info’ field. The client script is this:
put( sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], { 'update_type' : 'metadata', 'misc_info' : 'meta data msg' } )
and my API method is as follows. It executes fine, but the values do not show on the next show() call.
Disclaimer: Python is still quite new to me, and it’s very likely I do not understand the metadata model and the way library dataset associates work.
Any clues will be greatly appreaciated!
def update( self, trans, id, library_id, payload, **kwd ):
PUT /api/libraries/{encoded_library_id}/contents/{encoded_content_type_and_id}
Sets attributes (metadata) on a library item.
update_type = None
if 'update_type' not in payload:
trans.response.status = 400
return "Missing required 'update_type' parameter. Please consult the API documentation for help."
update_type = payload.pop( 'update_type' )
if update_type not in ( 'metadata' ):
trans.response.status = 400
return "Invalid value for 'update_type' parameter ( %s ) specified. Please consult the API documentation for help." % update_type
content_id = id
decoded_type_and_id = trans.security.decode_string_id( content_id )
content_type, decoded_content_id = decoded_type_and_id.split( '.' )
if content_type not in ( 'file' ):
trans.response.status = 400
return "Updates allowed only on files, not directories"
content = trans.sa_session.query( trans.app.model.LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation ).get( decoded_content_id )
content = None
if not content or ( not trans.user_is_admin() and not trans.app.security_agent.can_modify_library_item( trans.get_current_user_roles(), content, trans.user ) ):
trans.response.status = 400
return "Invalid %s id ( %s ) specified." % ( content_type, str( content_id ) )
metadata = content.get_metadata()
if not metadata:
metadata = {}
for name in payload:
if name not in [ 'name', 'info', 'dbkey' ]:
setattr( metadata, name, payload[name])
content.datatype.after_setting_metadata( content )
return "OK"
John Duddy
Sr. Staff Software Engineer
Illumina, Inc.
9885 Towne Centre Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
Tel: 858-736-3584
E-mail: jduddy@illumina.com