Hi, I wrote a script for dynamically populating a user form. It works but it's slow. When I checked the Galaxy log, I saw that the method called by my custom tool's xml is being run twice (the same debugging lines appear twice in the log, and that happens consistently). Is there any explanation for this? The script returns a list of strings fetched from a remote server. It's running a bit slow, taking up to 6 seconds, so it would be great if I can half that! For testing purposes, I wrote a dummy method that returns a few characters in a list of tuples. Again, my print statement in the Python script is called twice. Has anyone noticed such behaviour? Could it be related to this Galaxy bug: https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/issue/491/data_column-parameter-... The Galaxy script shown on that page says: "NOTE: This is wasteful since dynamic options and dataset collection happens twice (here and when generating HTML)." Thanks. Best regards, -- Mutlu