Hi Lyad and John, Thanks for your replies and sorry for my no detailed question. Well, I'm developing a tool that is applied to analyse PDB files (proteomics stuffs) ,compare them, and create a ranking sort by the best solutions (PDB files), making some graphs and 3D images. This tool will have as output a HTML file with all these generated files. I would like to access and use the information about the job, like ID and metrics for example, and write on this HTML output file. So, to do that, I think, I need to be able to use the Galaxy lib, but I couldn't create objects using the available class, like JobWrapper. Maybe I'm looking to the wrong place to take these information. Is it possible? I hope I was more detailed. Best regards, Alexandre 2014-10-06 22:32 GMT-03:00 John Chilton <jmchilton@gmail.com>:
Yes - I am with Iyad - having more context would probably help :). You can inject job_wrapper related stuff into tool execution in a very round about way perhaps by creating a dynamic job destination that consumes the job_wrapper and then creates a job destination with enviornment variables set to whatever it is you job needs. But that solution is not very portable or simple - I can try to walk through the steps in more detail though if it would be useful.
On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 9:28 PM, Kandalaft, Iyad <Iyad.Kandalaft@agr.gc.ca> wrote:
Tell us what you are trying to do and maybe someone might know the way to solve it. It could be easier, the same, or more difficult than you imagined.
Iyad Kandalaft Bioinformatics Programmer Microbial Biodiversity Bioinformatics Science & Technology Branch Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Iyad.Kandalaft@agr.gc.ca | (613) 759-1228 ________________________________ From: galaxy-dev-bounces@lists.bx.psu.edu [ galaxy-dev-bounces@lists.bx.psu.edu] on behalf of Alexandre Defelicibus [ adefelicibus@gmail.com] Sent: October 6, 2014 4:50 PM To: <galaxy-dev@bx.psu.edu> Subject: [galaxy-dev] Job wrapper object
Hi all,
I'm developing some tools on my Galaxy instance and I need to get some information about the job that a tool creates.
The question is, how can I have a job_wrapper object in my tool wrapper? I tried to use the reserved variable $__app__, but I got errors. I couldn't import and use the galaxy lib in order to get the job information.
Could someone show me the correct way to do that, with some examples?
I appreciate all the help.
Best regards,
-- Alexandre Defelicibus Mestrando em Bioengenharia Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioengenharia Universidade de São Paulo - USP
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-- Alexandre Defelicibus Mestrando em Bioengenharia Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioengenharia Universidade de São Paulo - USP