Hi Damion, I finally got to implement this, see method copy_from_dataset() in this commit: https://github.com/afgane/bioblend/commit/bc6b7cb71abb25aa109b85b1ff24e73aad... Best, Nicola Il 06.10.2014 17:59 Nicola Soranzo ha scritto:
Il giorno gio, 02/10/2014 alle 16.50 -0700, Dooley, Damion ha scritto:
I see Galaxy API has a feature to import a history dataset into the library (in copy_hda_to_ldda() fn from GCC2013 training day course). Is this available as well via Bioblend? Latest docs don't seem to include this feature. It would be the opposite of Bioblend's upload_dataset_from_library(history_id, lib_dataset_id) )
Hi Damion, indeed this feature is not in BioBlend yet, but I have it in my TODO list because we also need it. Hopefully I'll soon have some time to implement the method, test it and open a PR.
Best, Nicola
Objective is to get customized blast indexes into library that way for shared use. Or have them actually exist outside galaxy, and linked in.
Hsiao lab, BC Public Health Microbiology & Reference Laboratory, BC Centre for Disease Control 655 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5Z 4R4 Canada
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