Hi Nate,

I tried to run the tool with a small input file. Then that case also the test fails and returns the same error message.

FAIL: mGenePredict ( mgenepredict ) > Test-1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/galaxy/galaxy-2.1.2009/test/functional/test_toolbox.py", line 114, in test_tool
  File "/home/galaxy/galaxy-2.1.2009/test/functional/test_toolbox.py", line 54, in do_it
    self.verify_dataset_correctness( file )
  File "/home/galaxy/galaxy-2.1.2009/test/base/twilltestcase.py", line 323, in verify_dataset_correctness
    if wait: self.wait() #wait for job to finish
  File "/home/galaxy/galaxy-2.1.2009/test/base/twilltestcase.py", line 617, in wait
    self.assertNotEqual(count, maxiter)
AssertionError: 20 == 20

Also I can find that the job is not finished even though I got the fail message. I confirmed the same, when I run the test again it produces an error message stating that the Galaxy port is already in use.

I hope my assumption is true, if not please let me know.

Many thanks,
Vipin T S