You can use 'Get data' --> 'UCSC Main' to fetch an GTF (gene transfer format) format of your species of interest, Human in this case. I tend to use the Ensembl genes track (from the Genes and gene prediction tracks). Make sure you use GTF as output, and send to Galaxy! Cheers, Joachim Joachim Jacob, PhD Rijvisschestraat 120, 9052 Zwijnaarde Tel: +32 9 244.66.34 Bioinformatics Training and Services (BITS) http://www.bits.vib.be @bitsatvib On 11/26/2012 01:07 PM, Dr. Mira A. Bisso wrote:
Dear help;
How to get the human annotation file for RNAseq analysis, for mapping by BWA and for RNAseq analysis, on Cufflinks and cuffdiff tools on galaxy?
*Mira Bosso, M.Sc, B.D.S*
*Research associate*
*Pancreatic Islet Biology and Transplantation Unit*
*P.O.Box 1180, Dasman 15462, Kuwait Phone: +965 2224 2999 Ext.2803*
*Mob: +96599500197 *
*Email: mira.bisso@dasmaninstitute.org <mailto:mira.bisso@dasmaninstitute.org>*
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