On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 3:19 PM, John Chilton <chilton@msi.umn.edu> wrote:
I agree that we shouldn't be hasty, but my two cents is that the galaxy-dev list should be split in two. Ironically, I think most of the traffic on this list right now is related to deployment issues - in that respect I would see it almost as Galaxy admins stay here and developer chatter move to a new list. (This could hopefully be accomplished with e-mail aliases or something).
I think it would be simpler to define the new list and encourage people only interested in deployment to move to the new list, but I'm not looking after mailman here ;)
The nature of my interactions with Galaxy is such that I would still follow both lists, but I know there are people out there who have Galaxy deployed but don't really do any development per se, and I have talked to at least one such person who told me he does not follow this list because there is too much traffic. I don't think these people need to see my thoughts on a syntax for securing tool XML files or Peter's thoughts on the tool shed.
Long story short, I love the sound of my own voice and I would be less self conscious about that if there were two lists :).
Likewise if the list was split, I'd follow both galaxy-dev and the new one what ever it was called (how about galaxy-deploy, since galaxy-admin sounds too much like it is about the project management), and also galaxy-user too most likely ;) Peter