
Thank you very much, it worked indeed.
The gz export does not work yet, but this is apparently now due to a problem with mercurial (An error occurred while processing your request: - 
Archive type not allowed: gz).
Anyway, this is not a main issue and we are going to be able to focus on the tools, without apache.

Thank thank thank


Christophe Antoniewski

Drosophila Genetics and Epigenetics
Laboratoire de Biologie du Développement
9, Quai St Bernard, Boîte courrier 24
75252 Paris Cedex 05

Tel +33 1 44 27 34 39
Fax +33 1 44 27 34 45
Mobile +33 6 68 60 51 50



2014-09-11 15:18 GMT+02:00 Dave Bouvier <dave@bx.psu.edu>:

Unfortunately, exporting a capsule without a proxy in front of the tool shed will fail to find dependencies if the dependencies were defined with the proxy in place. One solution would be to re-upload the dependency definitions without using the proxy, leaving the changeset_revision and toolshed attributes undefined. This will make the tool shed recalculate tool shed URLs and changeset revisions for the dependency relationships, and the capsule export should then find them.

   --Dave B.

On 09/10/2014 12:11 PM, Christophe Antoniewski wrote:

I am replying to myself to report limited progresses... :

if we run the tool shed server without apache, the "export capsule" job
works, except that the repository dependencies are not seen (no "Export
repository dependencies?" checkbox to check). Without this new layer of
complication, we would leave apache which is not really required for
tool development in our local toolshed. But "Export repository
dependencies" matters...

Sure we are missing something around Apache and tool_shed_wsgi.ini
configuration, but still lost..


Christophe Antoniewski

Drosophila Genetics and Epigenetics
Laboratoire de Biologie du Développement
9, Quai St Bernard, Boîte courrier 24
75252 Paris Cedex 05
christophe.antoniewski@upmc.fr <mailto:christophe.antoniewski@upmc.fr>

Tel +33 1 44 27 34 39
Fax+33 1 44 27 34 45
Mobile+33 6 68 60 51 50



2014-09-08 19:24 GMT+02:00 Christophe Antoniewski


    Here is a question maybe to Greg:

    Since the GCC2014 we started a local toolshed following the
    instructions in

    It works nicely, except that today I tried to export repository
    capsules ("export this revision") from the local toolshed and it
    returns the following error (see below). I cannot remember whether I
    had ever tested this particular action since the local tool shed set
    up. Thus I even cannot say whether the bug is due to an original
    misconfiguration or it happened later on.

    I can add that the local toolshed is served by apache with rewriting
    rules (I am saying this because in addition it is not possible to
    download repositories as gz archives etc... and suspect that there
    is maybe a problem, in addition, with the apache config).

    Any help appreciated !




    Module galaxy.web.framework.middleware.error:*149* in |__call__|
    *=* self*.*application*(*environ*,* sr_checker*)*|
    Module paste.debug.prints:*106* in |__call__|
    Module paste.wsgilib:*543* in |intercept_output|
    *=* application*(*environ*,* replacement_start_response*)*|
    Module paste.recursive:*84* in |__call__|
    self*.*application*(*environ*,* start_response*)*|
    Module paste.httpexceptions:*633* in |__call__|
    self*.*application*(*environ*,* start_response*)*|
    Module galaxy.web.framework.base:*132* in |__call__|
    self*.*handle_request*(* environ*,* start_response *)*|
    Module galaxy.web.framework.base:*190* in |handle_request|
    *=* method*(* trans*,* ****kwargs *)*|
    Module galaxy.webapps.tool_shed.controllers.repository:*1249* in
    *=* os*.*path*.*basename*(* repositories_archive*.*name *)*|
    *AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'*

    Christophe Antoniewski

    Drosophila Genetics and Epigenetics
    Laboratoire de Biologie du Développement
    9, Quai St Bernard, Boîte courrier 24
    75252 Paris Cedex 05
    christophe.antoniewski@upmc.fr <mailto:christophe.antoniewski@upmc.fr>

    Tel +33 1 44 27 34 39 <tel:%2B33%201%2044%2027%2034%2039>
    Fax+33 1 44 27 34 45 <tel:%2B33%201%2044%2027%2034%2045>
    Mobile+33 6 68 60 51 50 <tel:%2B33%206%2068%2060%2051%2050>



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