We have run into a an error when trying to download a previously uploaded file from our local galaxy instance (lives in a 512 MB VM). The error is at the end of this message. In a previous thread, Nate advised setting use_debug = False in universe_wsgi.ini. Is this because the debugging code is causing the error but otherwise download would be fine?
Also, is 512 MB enough for a VM? (Out setup has actual jobs being submitted to the cluster)

Error Traceback:

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 MemoryError: out of memory


Moduleweberror.evalexception.middleware:364in respond     Description: http://galaxy.uabgrid.uab.edu/_debug/media/plus.jpg     view
>>  app_iter =self.application(environ,detect_start_response)

Module paste.debug.prints:98 in__call__     Description: http://galaxy.uabgrid.uab.edu/_debug/media/plus.jpg     view
>>  environ, self.app)

Module paste.wsgilib:544 inintercept_output     Description: http://galaxy.uabgrid.uab.edu/_debug/media/plus.jpg     view
>>  output.write(item)

MemoryError: out of memory