Hi Dannon,

Sorry, I guess I still don't quite get it.  So I should keep the Input Dataset name the default which is "Input Dataset".  In the next subsequent step in the workflow I then edit step actions Rename Dataset/output_file with "${Input Dataset} groomed", for example.  This gives me the same error as before.  It is still unclear to me what the actual variable name is for the input dataset so that I can use it to rename output in later steps.  Do you have an example workflow that uses the input data set name to name the output of downstream workflow steps that you could share with me as an example so I can see the usage?  Even a simple two step workflow would do.

Thanks again,

On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 6:09 AM, Dannon Baker <dannonbaker@me.com> wrote:
The input dataset steps do not use workflow parameters as they don't actually create output datasets, but rather act as more of a temporary handle.  Remove the parameter tags from the input steps and just referring to those same parameter names in the subsequent steps you wanted to use them with should work and I think will allow you to do what you want.

Thank you for pointing out the error though, this should definitely be more gracefully handled and supported with some help text in the editor, I'll see what I can do about that.  Let me know if this doesn't get up and running and I'll do what I can to help!


On 04/12/2011 06:20 PM, Matthew Conte wrote:
I'd like to do the same thing that Tanguy described.  I'm trying to figure
out the syntax to this within the workflow editor, but can't quite get it
right.  In your example Dannon, would you just set ${dataset_name} as the
"Name" for your "Input dataset" to capture the input dataset name as a
variable? When I do that and then try to run the workflow I get the
following error:

Error -<type 'exceptions.KeyError'>: 'dataset_name'
URL: http://localhost:8080/galaxy/workflow/run?id=f597429621d6eb2b
line 143 in __call__
  app_iter = self.application(environ, start_response)
File '/path-to-galaxy-dist/eggs/Paste-1.6-py2.6.egg/paste/recursive.py',
line 80 in __call__
  return self.application(environ, start_response)
line 632 in __call__
  return self.application(environ, start_response)
File '/path-to-galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/base.py', line 145 in
  body = method( trans, **kwargs )
File '/path-to-galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/controllers/workflow.py', line
1397 in run
  incoming=kwargs )
File '/path-to-galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/__init__.py', line 650
in fill_template
  return self.fill_template_mako( filename, **kwargs )
File '/path-to-galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/__init__.py', line 661
in fill_template_mako
  return template.render( **data )
File '/path-to-galaxy-dist/eggs/Mako-0.2.5-py2.6.egg/mako/template.py', line
133 in render
  return runtime._render(self, self.callable_, args, data)
File '/path-to-galaxy-dist/eggs/Mako-0.2.5-py2.6.egg/mako/runtime.py', line
364 in _render
  _render_context(template, callable_, context, *args,
**_kwargs_for_callable(callable_, data))
File '/path-to-galaxy-dist/eggs/Mako-0.2.5-py2.6.egg/mako/runtime.py', line
381 in _render_context
  _exec_template(inherit, lclcontext, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
File '/path-to-galaxy-dist/eggs/Mako-0.2.5-py2.6.egg/mako/runtime.py', line
414 in _exec_template
  callable_(context, *args, **kwargs)
File '/path-to-galaxy-dist/database/compiled_templates/base.mako.py', line
40 in render_body
File '/path-to-galaxy-dist/eggs/Mako-0.2.5-py2.6.egg/mako/runtime.py', line
255 in<lambda>
  return lambda *args, **kwargs:callable_(self.context, *args, **kwargs)
File '/path-to-galaxy-dist/database/compiled_templates/workflow/run.mako.py',
line 172 in render_body
  pja_ss = pja_ss.replace(rematch, '<span style="background-color:%s"
class="wfpspan wf_parm__%s pja_wfp">%s</span>' % (wf_parms[rematch[2:-1]],
rematch[2:-1], rematch[2:-1]))
KeyError: 'dataset_name'

Perhaps I'm missing something obvious?
