3 Jan
3 Jan
6:36 a.m.
Hello to all, I'm trying to use the function "/upload_file_from_server/" from the galaxy libraries api of Bioblend. It's working correctly when i don't associate any role to the arguments. However, in our architecture (Institut Pasteur, Paris) it can't be possible that any user may upload any other user's data in their Galaxy Data library. Thus, it is how ""/upload_file_from_server/" is working at the moment. As I understand the problem, it doesn't come from Bioblend itself, as all arguments (as well as roles) are well transmitted on the server side. could somebody help me with that ? Happy new Year !!! and Have a nice day, -- Olivia Doppelt-Azeroual, PhD Tel: 92 15 CIB - Institut Pasteur