Hi all - I've been trying to get the <repeat>...</repeat> tag working with a min attribute for some time now, though without any success. It works in other tools distributed with Galaxy, but when I attempt to use it in one of our custom tools, it dies with a "AttributeError: 'ExpressionContext' object has no attribute 'keys'" exception. Can anybody offer any insight? The full traceback is: ⇝ AttributeError: 'ExpressionContext' object has no attribute 'keys' URL: http://localhost:8080/tool_runner?tool_id=scde-list-compare Module weberror.evalexception.middleware:364 in respond view >> app_iter = self.application(environ, detect_start_response) Module paste.debug.prints:98 in __call__ view >> environ, self.app) Module paste.wsgilib:539 in intercept_output view >> app_iter = application(environ, replacement_start_response) Module paste.recursive:80 in __call__ view >> return self.application(environ, start_response) Module paste.httpexceptions:632 in __call__ view >> return self.application(environ, start_response) Module galaxy.web.framework.base:160 in __call__ view >> body = method( trans, **kwargs ) Module galaxy.web.controllers.tool_runner:68 in index view >> template, vars = tool.handle_input( trans, params.__dict__ ) Module galaxy.tools:1320 in handle_input view >> state = self.new_state( trans ) Module galaxy.tools:1248 in new_state view >> self.fill_in_new_state( trans, inputs, state.inputs ) Module galaxy.tools:1257 in fill_in_new_state view >> state[ input.name ] = input.get_initial_value( trans, context ) Module galaxy.tools.parameters.grouping:100 in get_initial_value view >> rval_dict[ input.name ] = input.get_initial_value( trans, context ) Module galaxy.tools.parameters.basic:1016 in get_initial_value view >> return SelectToolParameter.get_initial_value( self, trans, context ) Module galaxy.tools.parameters.basic:785 in get_initial_value view >> if self.need_late_validation( trans, context ): Module galaxy.tools.parameters.basic:1022 in need_late_validation view >> if super( ColumnListParameter, self ).need_late_validation( trans, context ): Module galaxy.tools.parameters.basic:766 in need_late_validation view >> for layer in context.itervalues(): Module UserDict:116 in itervalues view >> for _, v in self.iteritems(): Module UserDict:109 in iteritems view >> for k in self: Module UserDict:96 in __iter__ view >> for k in self.keys(): AttributeError: 'ExpressionContext' object has no attribute 'keys'