
I am new to Galaxy.  I am reading the documentation but could not really find an answer . I would like to create a tool that when after executed on a cluster the user should be able to interact with the running job. Get the current output and make a plot and see how far the job has come. Clicking on special status link on the running job in history or something like that. 

How would one do this in galaxy. Is there any way today to do it with the tools in galaxy. 
Would be great to get some first guidance where to start. 

Jonas Hagberg
BILS - Bioinformatics Infrastructure for Life Sciences - http://bils.se
e-mail: jonas.hagberg@bils.se, jonas.hagberg@scilifelab.se
phone: +46-(0)70 6683869
address: SciLifeLab, Box 1031, 171 21 Solna, Sweden