Hello all,

Dan Blankenberg will be giving two workshops on Galaxy at the University of Pittsburgh on April 6.  The presentations are open to the public.  See below for details and please contact Dan, or Carrie Iwema at Pitt, if you have any questions.


Dave C.

Intro to Galaxy

Dan Blankenberg, PhD
Center for
Comparative Genomics & Bioinformatics
Penn State University

Galaxy allows you to do analyses you cannot do anywhere else without the need to install or download anything.

You can analyze multiple alignments, compare genomic annotations, profile metagenomic samples & more...

Wednesday 6th April

10 am – 12 pm    Intro to Galaxy (general interest)

2 pm - 4 pm    Working w/NGS Data (advanced users)

University of Pittsburgh

Falk Library

Conference Room B

You are welcome to bring your laptop.

Carrie L. Iwema, PhD, MLS
Information Specialist in Molecular Biology

Health Sciences Library System
University of Pittsburgh
200 Scaife Hall
3550 Terrace St
Pittsburgh, PA  15261

412-648-8819 (fax)